Parents Arrested After Locking Their Kids In Some Pretty Fucking Cool Bunkbeds

Apr 25, 2019

Source: Twin boys, 3, were found locked in cage-like cribs in Modoc County in Northern California. The modified cribs were stacked on top of each other with numerous plywood panels and metal hooks attached to keep the toddlers from escaping. Officers serving a warrant made the discovery. Officials arrested 25-year-old Ramon Alberto Zendejas and his girlfriend, 25-year-old Mercadies Irene Williams. Inside the home, investigators said they found evidence of a marijuana honey oil lab, methamphetamine, firearms, and ammunition. 

Don’t let it be said abusive parents aren’t master builders.  Jesus.  I always wondered what the difference between putting your kid in a contraption like this or one of those playpens we’re allowed to jail kids in when they start crawling.

I guess the point of difference would be, walking.  Or is it?  I’ve seen lots of kids over my years of having kids in these things.  Kids that can talk and walk too.  The problem here is all the meth/guns and ammo lying around. The medieval playpen is just gravy.  These two crack heads probably thought they were doing the right thing locking those kids in that escape proof double-decker bunk bed.  Safe.  If they gap out, kids are locked on the crib and NBD.

I just have to know how it’s different than the one you get on Amazon to do the exact same thing for $89.99 that’s perfectly legal.

My kids would fucking LOVE to come home to that in their room.  They would think it was some new indoor fort and turn it into a coffin-like a den.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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