Video: Pierre Poilievre (DOESN’T) Answer if he’d use PM’s Jet if he’s PM

After Poilievre gave his speech earlier today, he blessed us all by allowing FIVE questions. (Harper did the same back during the 2015 election.) It’s always just five questions.
The fourth question the CPC Convoy Party of Canada Leader took was from CTV National News Vancouver Bureau Chief Melanie Nagy. She said she would like to ask Mr. Poilievre multiple questions. Still, since he’s only taking five questions, she gave her Q to CTV’s Senior Political Correspondent from Ottawa, Glen McGregor.
Ms. Nagy McGregor asked about the video PP posted last week. You’ve all seen the screencap from the video making the rounds on Twitter. This was Poilievre’s latest video of him whining into his cellphone live from an airport. (Pierre likes his cell phone. It just listens and doesn’t ask those pesky things called “questions.”)
In case you didn’t see it:
Just another PoiLIEvre lie. The PM travels by military jet as required. This guy is so full of 💩 it is coming out of his eyes. #NeverVoteConservative #consAreLiars. #soFullOfBS https://t.co/Gkkcpi1IAo
— woke to the max (@bgiourme) March 11, 2023

Poilievre was asked, “On Friday, you released a video suggesting the Prime Minister flying on private jets. Are you suggesting that if you become Prime Minister, you would not fly on those government-operated aircraft and also forgo the security detail of those flights?”
Pierre stumbles and bumbles to collect himself, then the talking points finally clicked in his head, and he started rambling on about Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau! The life-long politician, Poilievre, said the PM has become ultimately “out of touch” with “everyday people.”
He continued jumping from one talking point to another, saying, “The number of flight delays…THIRTY THOUSAND COMPLAINTS!” Not even finishing one thought before jumping to the next.
According to Pierre Poilievre, famous for wanting to eliminate gatekeepers, air travel is “exclusively federal jurisdiction. Airports are federally regulated. The entire air transportation system is federal.” Then saying Trudeau should push for more competition and “allow” complaints to be heard quicker.
So, again. Poilievre wants to deregulate and eliminate gatekeepers UNLESS he can attack the Prime Minister. Then let the Prime Minister have all the power in the world! I guess he’s projecting here and showing us how HE’D act if elected PM.
Then, after rambling on and on, he finally addresses the “private jet” claim by talking about … the carbon tax.
He then says of the PM, “He jets around more than any other Prime Minister (*Citation Needed) to go on surfing trips and to the Caribbean in the middle of the summer. Thank you.”
So this begs ANOTHER question. If elected Prime Minister, is Pierre Poilievre ALSO saying that he would never go on vacation? Or … OR is this just him acting like Trump? His “I’ll be too busy to golf” part of this years-long campaign that he’s apparently on?
Because I think this is just his Trump-y BS that’ll get the base 1) angry at the Prime Minister for no real reason and 2) get them excited about the idea of not caring about him being a total hypocrite. The base wants to live out all their MAGA fantasies, and PP is giving them that hope with this bunch of malarky.
So he rambles off about all that, then on to the next question—there is no actual answer as to whether or not HE would use the “private” jet. Because, OF COURSE, he would!
Big mansion. The Poilievres are living it up at the taxpayer-funded Stornoway—lovely linens.

I should mention at this point that Stephen Jesus Harper made the jet that the Prime Minister of Canada uses “private” in 2014. Harper had started asking to paint it just for him in nice Con blue back in 2009, but there was pushback. Why? Because that meant the jet could no longer be used for other military purposes.
Stephen Harper’s jet gets a red, white, and blue makeover
The decision “to have an Airbus permanently configured for VIP use in a colour other than the standard grey would have an impact both financially and on operations, as essentially it would leave you with one less air resource,” one military officer wrote about the plane in an email.
Harper’s little vanity project just cost Canadian taxpayers a measly $50,000.

I’ve mentioned this several times on twitter since Pierre posted his video where he blamed Trudeau for a flight delay. I guess Mr. Anti-Gatekeeper thinks the Prime Minister should be able to control the weather…or something? Of course, trolls come back with the “OH, IT’S HARPER’S FAULT!” – because we all know that on the day that Harper lost the election, the effects of everything he ever did during his dark decade just went *poof* and disappeared. We’re not allowed to bring up ANYTHING from Harper, the CPC, or Poilievre’s past!
Pierre knows it was Harper who did this. He probably rode on the PM’s jet sitting comfortably in Harper’s lap. He’s relying on his base or not knowing. Or, more importantly, not giving a damn about those things that are even peskier than questions from the media. You know. Facts!
It’s just more BS for him to spoonfeed the base of their daily dose of faux-rage. He has to keep them angry and worked up over everything. That’s the only way he can make them feel like everything is broken.
This idea that Poilievre wouldn’t use the PM’s fancy private jet is just another one of PPs flights of fancy.
Jason Pugh.