#109: Saturn Returns With A Quarter-Life Crisis – February 26th 2023
About the Episode
Saturn is returning, bringing the podcast back into your life with it. It’s not a quarter-life crisis, it’s a “reassessment of truthful living from the cosmos” (buy my book). What kind of manifestor are you? Take a quirky quiz!
Trust your gut, trust the vibe check, don’t trust people who hang out at water parks. Failed the vibe check? Call the cops.
Bust out ‘The Borg’ for your all-day college binge drinking needs. Part booze, part water, part electrolytes, part regretting decisions you made while being drunk all day. Moonshine for the modern age.
Getting shot by an MRI machine is a tough way to go. Ready to spiritually commit suicide? Buy a wearable bean bag!
It’s about the nut, not the strokes.
*Website, Show Notes and More Right
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
- Saturn Returns Podcast: Origins
- Tim Hortons Reward Points Scam
- What kind of Manifestor are you??
- The BORG
- Brazilian Man Shot by an MRI Machine
- The Witcher 3 Inappropriate Genitals
- Crispy McChicken Crematorium
- The Wearable BeanBag
- “Accidental” Joke Shooting
- Fox News Text Messages
- Headshot Photos Fine-Print
- Romance Novel: “His Big Childhood Sweetheart”
- The Truth About “Incognito Mode”
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