Mar 17 - 2023

#110: The Murder of a Nike-Wearing Goose – March 5th 2023

About the Episode

Milf Manor crawled, so that Farming for Love could run. Calling all urban singles (and people looking to up their Insta followers).

New York cops want shoppers mask-less, that’ll stop crime! Spotify has an AI to DJ your playlists for you, and be your closest friend.

We’ve been blessed once again by the Bodhisattva, with moon-landing theories, and a particle collider human-sacrifice. Telling the epic and tragic tale of Andy the Goose, who wore fresh Nikes. RIPs Andy.

Fuck 6Buzz. Unsubscribe. The difference between a bad joke and a great business idea is negligible. 

*Website, Show Notes and More Right

*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok

*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram


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