Mar 31 - 2023

#111: Don’t Curve the Grift – March 19th 2023

About the Episode

No ketchup on these eggs. Can you see the curve of the spacetime continuum?

The CIA made its way to SXSW to up its recruiting game, looking for some cool kids to help undermine the stability of communities we don’t like! Sign up today!

A new film is coming all about the invention of Flaming Hot Cheetos, but the truth is not what it seems, and involves a whole lot more Jesus. Is it an idea? Or divine intervention.

Canadians have had their right to giving people the middle finger reinforced by the justice system. Flip that bird loud, and proud. The race to make the AI of the future continues to get super creepy, weird, and probably going to destroy the earth. 

Top tier fart-based click-bait. What’s your goddess personality?

*Website, Show Notes and More Right

*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok

*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram


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