13. Becoming A SurThriver With Rena Romano
About the Episode
Thank you RENA ROMANO…
Author | Activist | Speaker | Coach
Veteran of the TEDx Stage and
Guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”
surTHRIVER® and Advocate for
Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault
About: As a sur-THRIVER® of child sexual abuse and sexual assault, I have a unique approach to life, I say our past does define us. Yes, it does! We are looking at it all wrong!!!
The problem: Most people, as I did, look at their past trauma and only focus on the negative, the crime, and that keeps us stuck in the shame of what was forced upon us. I was stuck for years because of the shame of my perpetrator’s crimes until one day I screamed the words; “I am tired of being ashamed of crimes I did not commit!”
I know that the years of child abuse played a massive role in my lack of self-esteem and self-worth. However, I was determined to heal those hidden scars because I knew my story and my journey would help other survivors release the shame that they carry. We did not commit the crime; we must stop doing the time!
To get an autographed copy of my book RISE: https://gumroad.com/l/JAhlb
Book me to Speak:
First Responders & Corporate: http://www.kwesimillington.com
Middle, High School, Post-Secondary: http://www.kwesispeaks.com