Oct 22 - 2020

15: Wave of Obfuscation. Has the Province made the Second Wave Worse?

The 905er

About the Episode

This week’s Thursday episode follows up on Tuesday’s discussion with Mike Gibbs about the province’s messaging on Covid-19, and what appears to many to be contradictory and confusing statements about about what we should all be doing to keep each other safe.

Each week we talk about ‘other news’ in the 905. But what is this week’s other news? Yep, it’s the Covid-19 second wave, and it increasingly looks like the 905 won’t get off as lightly as it did in the spring. Why? Is it a non-compliant public, or is it mixed messaging that still suggests smaller social gatherings, restaurants and gyms are acceptable when those same venues are overwhelmingly where the virus is spread?

Prizes will be awarded to the first Gen-Xer to identify the inspiration for today’s episode title. Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to 905er Towers. Or Google ‘The Pixies‘.

Thanks as always to:

Gayle Laws: research

Wendy Nicholson: sound engineer, podcast consultancy.

The Quadrafonics.


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