Mar 12 - 2020

#237 The Dean Blundell Show

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Welcome to the 237th episode of the Dean Blundell Show. On today’s episode, we welcome CEO of Sharman’s Proper Pies and host of the Footy Prime Podcast, James Sharman. If coronavirus didn’t have your attention, it sure does now. The NHL, MLB, March Madness, MLS and Champions League has been suspended until further notice. James predicts the Euro Cup may also get canceled. We discuss Trump’s address and Graham and Gonzo join us, the corona truthers. Graham still believes it is being overblown. We continuously break the news of all the events and services that are being canceled throughout the entire show. We close with Dean calling that Trump has coronavirus, Trudeau going into self-isolation, TSN and Sportsnet being programatically fucked, the great toilet paper war and some silver linings about the whole situation.

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