Sep 5 - 2023

3 Minutes That Matter: Global Warming, Convoy, US Open

The Charles Adler Show

About the Episode

Canada will become hottter – much hotter by 2060…It’s the issue Macleans has dedicatged it’s latest issue to. “The hotter it gets, the harder our hearts beat to circulate blood, resulting in more strokes and heart attacks. Eventually the body loses the ability to cool itself through perspiration, and the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs suffer permanent damage.” says Macleans and by the way no matter what we today to reduces emissions, this is happening. Canada will be a much hotter country ..some parts of Canada almost unlivable not because of the cold but because of the heat.

The Bank of Canada say all who are in the know, know it’s time to push pause on interest rates. The data seems to say the economy is too slow for more hiking and within a few months we will be talking about interest rates coming down instead of up. The interest rate escalator is about to move the other way, they say.

At the US Open Tennis match a fan got the toss because he uttered one of Hitler’s favorite phrases. German Tennis sta Alexander Zverev complained told the Tennis umpire it was unacceptable. The Ump agreed and the fan was gone.

In Canada the criminal trial for the two most prominent Convoy organizers begins today. The Convoy took centre stage in the nation’s capital two years ago. Justice does not move as fast as a transport. But it’s moving today in Canada. Tamara Lich and Chris Barber facing charges which include obstructing police and intimidation of Parliament. 

On Twitter this week someone calling themselves the Real Ben, said I’m 34 years old, and I have lived in Canada my whole life. The freedom convoy was the first and only time in my life where I truly felt proud to be Canadian. It was the only time I had ever seen that kind of unity and purpose in the country – and it wasn’t for something dumb and meaningless like a sports game, it was for something that was real, something that actually mattered, something that actually affected peoples day to day lives.  I responded to the Real Ben ..saying I’ve lived in Canada for most of my life. Have never been more embarrassed to be Canadian. If honking horns, disturbing seniors, babies, and pets, fills you with pride, your gauge is running on empty. Good luck!

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