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May 9 - 2023

Alyson Shane: Living Like a Local

About the Episode

I’ve turned into a big travel snob. The idea of jetting off to Caribbean or Central America to sit at resort and drink all day feels very… dated. If there is one thing that Anthony Bourdain left behind, it is the idea that food can unite the planet, and being curious and uncomfortable about new thing is okay. I won’t even start in on cruises. How they are still a thing after the pandemic is a miracle; or testimony to how lazy we have become as a species. The idea of being trapped on ship with American chefs cooking bad American food while on shore, the Italians have their pasta, and the Spanish their tapas.

Alyson Shane loves to travel with her husband John. They have just completed their second trip through Thailand and their first through Japan. One of the things I noticed on her trip was how they made the effort to live (and eat) like a local. A lot of it comes down to where you leave your money behind. Is it a tourist trap? Are you staying at a hotel owned by a foreign corporation? Are you riding public transport? Did you go to Starbucks or the local cafe for your morning coffee?

In this episode, Alyson and I swap stories about our recent trips and discuss some of the best ways to travel by living like a local.

Alyson runs Starling Social, a company out of Winnipeg, Canada that can help you grown your (online) social reach.

You May Also Like this episode we did with James Blick where he talks about travelling through Spain.

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