Mar 8 - 2023

“Army Kris” (25 year Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, Host of the Fire for Effect Podcast)

Do Did Will

About the Episode

“Army Kris” is a 25-year Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces with over 4 deployments overseas in some of the most dangerous places on earth! What a story Kris tells today about his journey into the Armed Forces and why he kept going back to serve his country.

What kind of jobs and experiences did he have? What was the process to become a soldier? He’s led a team that swept for bombs as well! Can you imagine? Just how safe are those bomb suits? Kris tells you and doesn’t hold back!

Also, how accurate are the war movies we see in comparison to real-life situations? You’d be surprised what he thinks is the most accurate overall and how important authenticity is to him when it comes to film!

Kris has grand plans to be a documentary filmmaker and dives into it all today.

What does Kris “Do?”

How “Did” he do it?

What “Will” he do next?

We cover it all and more this week on the show.

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