Bonus: Podcast “Ask The Expert” with Dr. Rahul Kushwah and Gerald Major
The Dean Blundell Show
About the Episode
Welcome to a bonus episode of the Podcast with Gerald Major and Dr. Rahul Kushwah. Gerald Major is an outspoke patient advocate who volunteers his time with groups like the Canadian Spondylitis Association, Canadians for Fair Access to Medical Marijuana, Arthritis Alliance fo Canada and Best Medicines Coalition and the Ontario Best Practices Initiative. Doctor Kushwah is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Anantlife Canada. Rahul is a highly skilled innovator and entrepreneur who has an impressive track record as Team Leader over a 10-year career in medical sciences specializing in inflamation. We play a new game called ask the expert and Gerald has a ton of questions for Rahul. Dr.Rahul answers questions on opioids, mental health, relaxation, Pharma, inflammation and cannabis as a medicine.
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