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May 2 - 2023

Brenton Donnelly: The Story of People

About the Episode

Every single person has a unique story of a journey that is like no other. They either do something, did something, or will in the future. This is the purpose of the Do Did Will podcast, hosted by Brenton Donnelly; to highlight the journeys of these individuals, in the hopes of inspiring others to find a do, did, or will of their own.

Brenton also co-hosts the Live from Machete Comics with his friend Chris Machete, where they cover pop culture, music, film, conspiracy theories, and more. So you can take your pick of what content from Brenton you want to consume, there’s something for everyone!

Brenton and I chat about everything from touring the world to his journey to sobriety. He talks at length about his illustrious, interesting career, and how people’s paths in life are so insanely interesting and unique that he decided to highlight them in a podcast.

For a full transcript of this episode, click here.

You can find Brenton on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube; a full list of all his projects and plans to tour are on his website.

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