Dec 24 - 2020

Christmas Canucks Trivia, Big Shiny Tunes 2, and The Bizarre Rockets Character History

About the Episode

PP1 Podcast is BACK for another joyous episode! Proudly sponsored by Owners Box Weekly Fantasy Sports and Players Choice Sports.

Ryan starts it all off with Big Shiny Tunes 2 and the guys reminisce about the good ol’ days. The start of the NHL is around the corner and unlimited goalies are allowed at camp. Seems like a good idea?

Rich Abney of UNBC drops by and does not disappoint throwing us in the fire immediately with unplanned and kinda shotty Canucks trivia. Brady returns as well. It was epic.

The World Juniors start on Christmas day and Canada had their one and only tuneup game against Russia. Everyone gives their two cents on this year’s tournament and it looks like we’re in for a gooder!

We close with Christmas movies and Ted roasts Ryan about Amazon Prime.

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