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Apr 11 - 2023

Coffee With Genny B

About the Episode

“Coffee with a friend is like capturing joy in a cup.” That’s Genny’s motto, and if you ask her, she’ll tell you there’s nothing she loves more than chatting with a friend over a nice hot cup of joe.

Genny is the host of Coffee With Genny B, a podcast about life, friendship, relationships, mental health, and of course, coffee. Genny’s a bit of a coffee connoisseur- for her 60th birthday, she travelled around Manitoba with the goal of trying 60 different coffee shops in 60 days. She succeeded, of course, and the conversations and experiences she had were a large part of what inspired her to start the podcast. The rest was pure passion.

Genny and I speak about how she developed her love of coffee, what her goals are for the podcast, and some of the connections she’s made thanks to her involvement in the coffee world.

If you want to learn a bit about coffee, life, and everything in between, check out the latest episode of Coffee With Genny B on her website, or wherever you get your favourite podcasts.

You can also follow Genny on Instagram.

For a full transcript of this episode, click here.

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