Jun 14 - 2023

Dean With Lochlin Cross, Matt Cundill: Bell killed Canadian radio today and Trumpy’s sad

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

We’re back with special guest Matt Cundill from Sound Off Media, our podcast partner!

Canadian Media circumcised themselves again today. Bell Media, Canada’s largest broadcaster, TURNED OFF Radio stations across Canada, firing 1300 human beings in the process. The same week, they reported record earnings and profits, including MASSIVE government subsidies to KEEP Canadians working. Dean, Loch, and Matt have a combined 85 years in radio, and they discuss the following:

– What does this mean for the future of Radio in Canada (no bueno)

– Is it greed or progress that’s killed the industry?

– Where does TRUST in MSM factor into the death of traditional media

– The future of digital media – can it replace free-to-air radio and cable (it already has)

– Why media companies don’t report on the ACTUAL state of their TERRIBLE business.

– The opportunity for us

Las Vegas is your Stanley Cup Champion! That’s right: 6 years after they were born the Vegas Golden Knights beat the Florida Panthers with Win Lord Stanleys Mug and we talk about the perennial failure of those who still suck (Leafs, Oilers, ETC).

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