Jan 23 - 2023

Do you cuddle?

About the Episode

On Episode 58 of Minimal Filters, we start off with one burning question for the MFers out there and that is “Do you cuddle?” . Once we find out that answer, we will give you our MFers of the Week (4:08), some which deserve applause and others deserve to be struck by lightning and then trampled by a herd of wild elephants. After the MFers of the week, we play a couple games with Fax No Printer (15:55) and as always we give the people their favorite podcast segment in the world with our NAILS. This week’s NAILS will be the Worst things to do on a First Date (29:26) which will definitely include some things that Kale has definitely done. And once we finish our NAILS, we give you the MFers Textbook (51:05) to help all you university students out there survive and thrive, we will then wrap up the show as always with our Betstamp sponsored segment in Hair Picks (58:10) and then our Shower Thoughts of the Day (1:01:15).

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