Apr 4 - 2023

Donald Trump Arrest Special

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

It’s official! Donald j trump is no longer a free man. At the time of writing this, Trump is under arrest after walking into the Manhattan Criminal Court building (it’s automatic) and charged with 34 felonies (BIG TIME).


– Processing a former president is a big deal

– Douglas Connors from the True North Eager Beaver podcast shed light on what this means for Trump and his hilbilly base. Short-term and long term

– we mock MTG’s 3-minute appearance before she fled out of security concerns

Elon Musk is busy with a $258 billion-dollar lawsuit to support Trump today. Aside from suppressing Trump tweets as graphic, Elon is trying to fight investors in DOGECOIN who said he promoted DOGE knowing it was a ponzi scheme while paying himself billions in investor money. Elon is depressing that too. I get it.

Canada slapped an alcohol tax on booze. We ask our resident alcoholics if 6.3% would prevent them from buying booze regularly. The answer is no, but they’ve pissed off anyway.

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