Oct 11 - 2023

Doug Ford deets, Pride Tape Ban, Israel VS HAMAS

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

We’re back because the world is on fire.

Adler joins us to give a few more details about Doug Ford’s government being under criminal investigation for their #GreenBelt Land Scam. It’s a doozie. We talk about the SII unit of the RCMP and what this means for both potential corruption across the political spectrum.

The NHL announced the banning of Pride Tape on Pride night for player use. It’s screwy, and the vast majority of NHL fans get what Gary Bettman is doing and appeasing Russians and the dumbest 5% of players in the league.

We touch on the Israel/Hamas conflict. What is Hamas and the religious war being fought by religious zealots while innocent civilians pay the price?

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