Jan 20 - 2021

Episode 16 – Sports Inauguration Show!

About the Episode

Sports Honchos. Hosted by Robert Kuney and Paul C. Cuthbert.

Honchos Inauguration showgram!

The Honchos started the yuks with a study on how bearded men are better protected from blows to the head than clean-shaven men. This was followed by a more serious discussion of how Covid is impacting the bubble-free NBA and NHL and how these leagues can start letting in fans again.

After the discussion of the new-look Brooklyn Nets with Harden and Durant plus the return of the enigma that is Kyrie Irving, the Honchos dove into the MLB. They talked free agency, the passing of Don Sutton, rule changes for 2021, how to settle ties in the MLB (spoiler alert: you don’t have to settle them), and, of course, their take on Jared Porter’s firing from the Mets.

There was a quick NFL Recap in which the Honchos gave their picks for this weekend’s AFC and NFC Championship games followed by the DOTW. This week’s DOTW is George Hill of the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Thank you for listening.

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