Nov 17 - 2022
Episode 90 – Technical Difficulties
About the Episode
First things first I would like to apologize as Oveys Mic was on the Fritz all eppy and as hard as it normally is to listen to him…it’s worse this week. and for that we apologize, but the content is still En Fuego.
After Lovat was present for what is being called game of the year at this time, we had a rollercoaster of a week in Week 10 this week, and ya boys got you on the recap.
As always we see what the boys are getting upto as Mexico sneaks up on us here real quick for BC Chris’ Wedding. once the boys shoot their shit, we have a ton of injury news around the league and of course the Week 10 Roundup, Week 11 picks so we can help guide your bank account to a few extra sheckles.