May 4 - 2023

Frank Robb

Spear Talk Podcast

About the Episode

For episode 148, we welcomed Frank “Alligator” Robb to the show! Frank is the founder of the non-profit, Environmental Education Awareness Research Support and Services, or EEARSS. Mr. Robb has 27 years of experience dealing with wildlife and is looking to grow the educational programs for federal, state, city, and county government agencies, schools and the public. EEARSS also strives to continue relationships and research around the globe. Specific research and background involves, Alligator toxicology, endocrinology, along with health of local ecosystems, Gopher Tortoise’s, controlled fires, viruses affecting wild alligator populations in Florida, sea turtle nesting populations, and survey data for county and federal level governments, including a proven track record with the Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands Programs, NASA and the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

In our discussion, we covered how Frank got involved in wildlife and nature, what drew him into studying alligators, the connection between humans and alligators, dealing with evasive species in Florida, his historic capture of “Chance the Snapper” in Chicago, his recovery from heart surgery, what it takes to be a wildlife conservationist, and much more!

#alligators #wildlifeconservation #frankrobb

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