Dec 31 - 2020

Ice Fishing, Miracle Blood, Relegation Canucks Twitter, Baertschi, and Brady Is Batman

About the Episode

Can you believe we’re finally done 2020? 

What a year but seriously, what a year! We’re so thankful you all came to check us out. We’re presented by our proud sponsors Owners Box Weekly Fantasy Sports and Players Choice Sports.

Lots of stories this week as the guys have their actual holidays with the family so lots to get in there, we announce the winner of our #NucksAndChill contest, thanks again Players Choice!

World Juniors are on so we cover Russia/Sweden as that’s where the Canucks are at and Ryan drops an idea that needs to catch on.

Canucks training camp is about to begin and the guys go in-depth about who is invited… Sven Baertschi!

We packed a ton into 65 minutes but it was a fun. Take a listen, won’t you?

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