Mar 26 - 2022

Interview Project: John Stopford

About the Episode

(Recording date: March 25, 2022)

The Eager Beaver Pod asks its guests if they’re willing to provide an extended interview, so that we may better get to know them/what makes them tick.

Today, we have something out of the ordinary, for us. Our first interview with one of our Kits.

Kit John came to us with a compelling story about a disquieting situation at the Malcom Place retirement residence in Kincardine, ON and asked for our help to bring profile to it, for he is quite concerned that this could be happening in various small towns in Ontario, and Canada.

This is a very special Interview episode and one of most important we’ve done.

Please listen and once again, Kits, because ‘Democracy Is Something You Do’ spread the word far and wide.

Be kind to, and gentle with, yourself,

Your Eager Beaver

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Relevant Links

Retirement home closure sparks concern in Kincardine — CTV News…

Malcolm Place residence to close by summer — Toronto Star…/malcolm-place-residence-to…

The Bruce Housing Listing for Malcolm Place

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Of course, retweets, shares, gentle corrections, constructive criticism, compliments, tips, requests and positive reviews (if you think we deserve some stars, please rate us) are always welcome.

Until then, be kind to, and gentle with, yourselves,

Your Eager Beaver

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Thank you to our podcast’s founding sponsors:

* The Peppermaster

* The Miss Vee Mysteries from Corvid Moon Publishing…/delilah-knight

* Canadian Tarot Dot Com

Artwork credit: Peter Jarvis

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