Jul 7 - 2017

Ira Haberman on How Digital Changed Radio

About the Episode

Ira Haberman is the host of the Sound Podcast and passionate about storytelling, and the Grateful Dead. Put it together, and that’s a podcast. He has hosted the Sound Podcast since December, but its success has radio roots as he was working as creative director for Corus Entertainment’s Deep Sky in Toronto in 2003, and segued to digital content in 2008, right when it all began to happen. We look back at the last 9 years of how digital has changed radio, what it has done right and wrong, and what the future looks like. If you are on the fence about your great idea – Ira will push you off it and get you going. (I think he actually gives you permission to do it)

If you want to contact Ira to work with your new podcast or get some social media help, he is on every platform known to the internet – and through the podcast website. https://www.thesoundpodcast.com/contact/

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