Nov 15 - 2023

Joe Tilley (The Great Canadian Sports Show)

Do Did Will

About the Episode

Joe Tilley (Host of the Great Canadian Sports Show/CTV Sports) joins me this week. After an amazing career with CFTO/CTV News as one of the most popular sports broadcasters of all time, Joe has started his new show; “The Great Canadian Sports Show” on Facebook and YouTube live!

So many amazing chats we dive into including his journey to the major market sports chair, carving out a niche, the highs and lows of broadcasting and so much more!

Plus, where was Joe when the Blue Jays won the World Series in 92 or when Joe Cater walked off the 93 World Series at home? What are some of his favorite memories In broadcasting?

What does Joe “DO”

How “DID” he do it?

What “WILL” he do next?

#Sports #CTV #greatcanadiansportshow

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