Kenny Vs Spenny 20 Year Anniversary, Weird Asses, Unsafe Humour
The Dean Blundell Show
About the Episode
Hello, TUESDAY! We’re back with a one on one pod with Spencer Rice from Kenny VS Spenny on their 20th anniversary world tour! Spenny dishes on A) where Spenny met Kenny and how “Kenny VS Spenny came to be” B) Doing unsafe comedian 2023 and why he accepts the consequences that come with politically incorrect humour C) why he drives his fingers in the asses of the audience members D) Racist jokes/certain words still being funny to him and why Kenny will never do a podcast with Spenny (Kenny’s rich and doesn’t have too) and Making fun of big weird asses. Spenny is a throwback navigating the ever-evolving landscape of creating content for a living in 2023 and his advice for people who do “UNSAFE HUMOR” are words to live by.
Here are Kenny VS Spenny’s upcoming tour dates!!
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