Apr 26 - 2023
Live From Scotland: Leafs are on the verge, Scottish babes and Tucker Carlson
The Dean Blundell Show
About the Episode
Dean’s on Vacation. Scotland, to be precise. Home of Haggis, Sheep, and people who still wear rugby pants.
It’s bizarre, but Dean feels at home on the land. Maybe it’s the girls who all look like his Uncle Ernie, Maybe it’s the fresh sea air and all the sexy sheep. Dean waxes about his last four days, Scottish Cusine, and how nothing is open past 4 pm. Nothing.
Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News last week. Dean wants to talk about the Tucker Carlson fan. Mainly the Canadian Tucker Carlson fan and how fucking stupid they are.
The Oilers and Leafs are on the brink of moving onto the second round. Lochlin and Dean blow each other over our respective Teams and Loch owes Dean another 100
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