Nov 24 - 2022

Lori Fetrick

About the Episode

For Spear Talk 133, we welcomed legendary American Gladiator, Lori Fetrick aka “Ice” to the show! Lori spent five seasons with American Gladiators, took part in the 114-city arena Live Tour, Orlando Live, as well as two series of International Gladiators. Lori became a NPC National Level Bodybuilder, as well as appeared in numerous films and television shows, including a starring role in ‘CIA II: Target Alexa’ (1993) and as “Vixen” in ‘Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1997). She is also the author of “Pure Fitness: Body Meets Mind”.

In our discussion, we covered her transition into the world of American Gladiators from sports and bodybuilding, the legacy of the show, what it took to become “Ice”, working in film and television, getting people motivated to live a healthy lifestyle, and so much more! 

#americangladiators #lorifetrick #healthylifestyle 

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