Apr 13 - 2023

Max Fawcett from the National Observer: PeePee & Elon, Demar’s Kid,

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

DBS is back with Lead Columnist from the National Observer, whose new podcast “Maxed Out” is good. Max is one of the rare journalists who can step outside his silo to have conversations with most people who don’t think as he thinks. A Climate Change guy who leans left, Max can call political balls and strikes when the rest of us are farming narratives.

We talked about:

The state of journalism in Canada compared to 5-10 years ago.

Doesn’t government funding compromise ALL MSM sources?

Is Pierre Poilievere begging Elon Musk for help on Twitter?

Are the 2023 Blue Jays for real? Dean and Max nerd out about Kevin Keirmaier and Demar DeRozan’s daughter beating the Raptors last night.

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