Dec 8 - 2020

Michael Kroeger & Patrick Miletich

About the Episode

For our 26th talk, we had a blast with Michael Kroeger (Nickelback, bass player) and Patrick Miletich (UFC Hall of Fame, First UFC Welterweight Champion)! We found lots of common ground between the music industry and MMA world, and dug in deep for a fun, thought-provoking conversation.

We spent the hour covering it all: fitness, recovering from injuries, organic mud, dealing with “haters” and social media, and the mental hurdles involved with performing with no fans in the crowd! Thank you for giving it a watch!

Follow @silverspearsecurity for all things Silver Spear Security, LLC. 

@johnsilverspear is the host / COO of Silver Spear Security, LLC

Follow @nickelback @michael_kroeger555 for all things Mike!

Follow @pjmiletich for all things Patrick! 

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