May 6 - 2021

Mick Doge & Barry Kerch

About the Episode

For our 50th Spear Talk, we couldn’t have had a better episode for you than having both the legendary, “Barefoot Sensei”, Mick Dodge, and multi-platinum selling rock drummer, Barry Kerch, from the band Shinedown, join us! We had a blast talking about the earth, being outside, and the need to thrive!

Some of the topics we discussed were the concept behind “bare-footing”, the difference between surviving and thriving, our love of spending time outdoors, and the concept of the “earth-gym” and why its imperative to stay fit! Lots of laughs and incredible stories from both of their lives!

#speartalk #mickdodge #shinedown


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@johnsilverspear is the host / COO of Silver Spear Security, LLC

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Follow @bkerchofficial for all things Barry! 

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