Feb 3 - 2023

Quebecs Groundhog Died, Stay In Your Car At African Lion Safari, Pink Shirt Day & Stoic Philosophy

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Helly Thursday!

Let’s put our oars in the water with Canadian Football/Olympic stud Jesse Lumsden, a banker now. Seriously. Every Athlete turns into a banker.

ANYWAY, We’re talking about groundhog day, African Lion Safari’s Advertising seizures, and Stoic Philosophy today!

– PINK SHIRT DAY is a day to help end bullying. Our little Buddy, James P White, is doing his annual classroom talk, and we have this year’s details and how you can sign up!

Buy your Pink Shirt Day T-Shirt Here and support a great cause!

-It’s groundhog day today. Some little fuckers saw their shadow, and some didn’t, but where did this stupid tradition Begin? And can a groundhog predict the future or the weather?

Fred LaMarmotte in Quebec didn’t predict anything this year because he was very, very dead when they pulled him out. We explain.

SPORTSNET owns the rights to NHL broadcasts in Canada, and epileptic hockey fans are complaining about the digital rink board ads. You see, the glitches on the ad boards are triggering seizures in some epileptics who’ve had to stop watching NHL games altogether. Here comes the science!

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