Dec 7 - 2022

Quitting Your Job and Touring the World

About the Episode

Matt talks with the owners of his new favourite YouTube channel, Pure Detour. As they’ll tell you at the start of their videos, Geoff and Angela sold everything to leave Canada and travel the world, and started making YouTube videos to document the whole process.

They share the joys of travelling, their favourite destinations, the way their families reacted to their decision to pack up and leave, and some of the struggles that come along with starting a YouTube channel when you have no experience making videos. Oh, and there’s also lots of gushing about how amazing Spain and Morocco are- particularly the food.

If you want an in-depth look at the lifestyle of a burgeoning travel blogger, this is the episode for you. From what they say, it’s not as unattainable as you might think.

Subscribe to Pure Detour on YouTube to stay updated on Geoff and Angela’s adventures around the world.

For a full transcript, visit and scroll to the bottom.

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