Feb 27 - 2023

Shit Adults Never Taught Us & Zombie Apocalypses

About the Episode

Hello MFers, welcome to episode 63 of Minimal Filters. On today’s back-to-school episode, we bring you our MFers of the Week (2:15). After that, we move on to our NAILS, this week is the NAILS of things You would Want in a Zombie Apocalypse (16:21). And then, we have the first interview in a while, we throw it over to Natasha Sattler, who is the author of “Shit Adults Never Taught us” (34:14). We had a great 30 minute sit down with her to talk about quite literally what her book title is. Then we toss it back over to the boys to bring back our “Role play” (1:04:44). Then as always we finish the pod with Hairpicks (1:12:09), and our Shower Thoughts of The Day (1:14:44).

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