Mar 14 - 2023

SVB Collapse, Tiger Woods Breakup Game, Ivermectin Deaths Are Up

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

We’re back after a small hiatus. Welcome to LIVE MONDAY!!!

Dean went golfing in Arizona last week and has a few stories to tell:

– Covid doesn’t exist in America

– Canadian snacks and hospitality industry suck ass

– There’s nothing wrong with Pearson Airport (Pierre Poilievre is a liar)

Our resident financial WIZ, @Scottrades, from our #HotWallet podcast, joins us to break down the banking meltdown south of the border.

– SVB collapse

-Peter Theil’s involvement in the “Bank Run” and why it matters.

– Trump did this through deregulation, but what happened, and how does a bank run out of money?

– Will this trigger more government takeovers of banking institutions, and is Canada exempt? Which Canadian banks are gambling with tech startup cash??

Tiger Woods broke up with his very unattractive girlfriend after a 4-year stint. Typically not news, but how he did it is fucking LEGENDARY.

– His lawyer told his GF to pack for a short trip

– Lawyer dropped her off at the airport with legal papers saying GTFO of Tigers house.

– She’s now suing him for 30 million based on a promise she could live in his 2000million dollar house for five years (she’s lying)

– She’s also fighting the NDA, but I like Tiger even more now. She was a restaurant manager before she met Tiger; she’s not entitled to shit.

And Ivermectin deaths are starting to pile up because morons are still eating veterinary grade horse paste worm medicine for some reason. And an Ivermectin influencer is one of them. We laughed at him/them for a while too.

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