Mar 19 - 2021

The Breakdown – Episode 3.13 – Deirdre Mitchell-Maclean (Part 2)

About the Episode

Deirdre Mitchell-Maclean is the host of one of a very particular podcast on Alberta politics, but the current format is the result of an evolution over several years.

As well, with Deirdre’s experience covering politics as both a journalist and a pundit, as well as someone who not only identified as a centrist but also actively volunteered for the only political party in Alberta that openly described itself as centrist, she is uniquely prepared to offer us a glimpse on what the often vaguely defined space on the political spectrum known as centrism is all about in Alberta as well as whether or not the Alberta Party is the only party to occupy that space. 

In Part 2 of this special two part episode, Deirdre tries to help us nail down what’s going on in the middle of the political spectrum. The middle ground in the political spectrum seems to be where a lot of politicians want to be seen to be coming from when they aren’t actively appealing to their base. But what does this mean for the future of politics in Alberta?

Well that’s what we get Deirdre to help us try and figure out!

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