May 23 - 2023

The End of Peel Region

The 905er

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Well its happening.

Last week, the Minister of Municipal Affairs Steve Clark announced that they would be tabling legislation to break up Peel Region. The Town of Caledon, City of Brampton and the City of Mississauga after 50 years together will now be going their separate ways. What will this mean for the billions of dollars in shared costs and infrastructure between the municipalities? According to the Province they will have until 2025 to sort it out. Both Brampton and Mississauga Mayors are indicating that this may not be an amicable separation.

Prior to the announcement we had the chance to sit down with Mayor Bonnie Crombie of Mississauga.

In our interview we had the opportunity to dive into the question of why now and what did Mississauga hope to gain by going on their own away from Peel Region. As the 905 region is on the cusp of being changed irrevocably for the future, what could this mean for the region and for that matter future decisions on regional governance in Ontario? We pose the questions to Mayor Crombie and what the future is going to bring to Mississauga, Caledon, Brampton and the 905.

This Episode is brought to you by Graham Agnew of Dominion Lending

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Nicholas Paul: sound editing.

The Quadrafonics: fantastic opening and closing tunes!

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