May 17 - 2023

Welcome To Crier Media Charles Adler, Renaming Yonge Dundas Square, Elon Is Gonzo

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Hello Wednesday, you beautiful bastard. We’re back and we’re bringing our newest colleague with us. Charles Adler has joined Crier Media, and Lochlin and Dean are excited to radio the fuck out of Crier Media.

– Apple announced it now has more money than England. The country. Should they buy it? I trust Bill Gates more than any politician on the planet, so maybe?

– Elon Musk’s latest interview was a fucking tire fire. He’s quoting 50-year-old movies sitting in stunned silence because he’s about to get crushed by the DOJ. We explain.

– The owner of Barberians Steak house, Aaron Barberian joins us to talk about renaming Yonge Dundas Square in Toronto after Gordon Lightfoot and Aaron won’t be denied.

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