Nov 26 - 2018

You are the CEO of Your Own Life – Robindra

About the Episode

Today, we go on a learning journey and become enlightened on how yoga and entrepreneurialism can go hand in hand. Robindra discusses how the two separate ventures of business and yoga became one, and how one small idea led him on a life changing journey. He and Carrie also touch upon the importance of taking our time when designing an immaculate life, how to move from doubt to alignment, what exactly Robindra’s Yoga Entrepreneurial school is, and how to live mindfully in the digital world.

What You’ll Hear in This Episode: The young age at which Robindra took an interest in leadership and business. The ways in which his parents’ divorce and sister’s disability impacted his sense of responsibility and compassion. Robindra’s transition from concert promotion, digital marketing with a staff of twenty and contracts with major corporations, to the world of yoga. Robindra’s observation and theory of doubt stopping many of us in our tracks to move on to something new, bigger, and better. Why we must raise our level of tolerance to feeling good, and discovering what may be stopping you from optimal health and well being. The transformational shift of doing things because he loved them, rather than because he was good at them. The incredible gift that social media has given freelancers and entrepreneurs to create a business that fits into the life they want. The singular moment that sparked the Bloom Festival, and how a drawing of flowers blossomed to create a movement based on mindful and authentic living. The foundational pieces to build upon: confidence, energy and trust. In others, but most importantly, in ourselves. The average person checks their phone 150 times a day, and our current attention span clocks in at around 9 seconds. Many of us spend our time distracted and in survival mode, instead of creating a life that energizes us and allows freedom. The importance of alignment, in our heart, relationships, and physical space, and practical tips on how we can start small to clean up our lives.

Quotes: “The secret to entrepreneurialism and marketing is service.” “At a certain point, you shift from career to calling.” “Our true essence is to feel good.” “Acting on just one inspiring idea can completely change your life.” “I used to spend more time planning a vacation than I did planning my own life.” “Everyone is the CEO of their own life.” “If you notice something missing in the world, it’s probably because you are meant to bring it.”

Mentioned: Bloom Festival @Robindra

Journey Into the Inner Circle: Carrie Doll @CarrieADoll – Twitter @carriedollconsulting – Instagram Carrie Doll – Facebook

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