Pro Tip: If You Have An Ulcer On Your Wiener, Don’t Wait A Year To See A Dr.

Aug 10, 2018

Source  – After ignoring his symptoms for 12 months, the 82-year-old finally went to the hospital to seek help. 

The patient – from India – was suffering from a huge ulcer on his penis as well as severe swelling and skin shedding. 

Doctors drained the pus-filled swelling next to his penis, and he was prescribed antibiotics – but things only got worse for the man. 

Two weeks later, the OAP was rushed to hospital after the ulcer caused his penis to fall off and rot. 

Dr. Gaurav Garg, from King George’s Medical University, said a clinical examination revealed the ulcer caused the man’s penis to drop off. 

The man also had hard lumps down the left-hand side of his groin, despite denying any history of sexually transmitted infection.

Tests on the “residual penile stump” revealed the man had squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

Oh, no.

Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to have any type of discoloration or sore looked at immediately.  Waiting only makes the issue worse until the irreversible happens like death or worse: your penis falls off.

I’m a hypochondriac. If I’m sick, it’s cancer.  If I have an earache, it’s cancer.  Allergy season?  Forget it.

At 80, the idea of having a ‘residual penile stump’ probably isn’t as daunting a reality like it would be at 30 but it can’t be a good thing whether he used that thing for pleasure or not.



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