PSA: What I Nvision Golfing With Dean Blundell Is Like

May 1, 2019

Settle down journalism purists. I know I spelled envision wrong.

The spelling I used is a spelling used by our digital marketing and web solutions company here at, Nvision Digital. Why not give them a shameless plug when I was planning on using the boring spelling anyways.

On episode #61 of the Podcast with Daren Millard. Dean said this when the boys were talking about a golfing trip Daren takes with his buddies.

From this conversation alone it leads me to believe Dean is a golf snob and if you by accident fart while he was in his backswing or SO HELP YOU GOD if your phone went off you area dead man.

Then I came across this video. Which in my mind is what golfing with Dean is like if you stepped outside the rules of golf.

Hahahaha. Poor kid. He probably caught this dude on a horrible day and stepped where he was about to putt to make his stupid double bogey.


Anyways. This theory will never be debunked by the way because I highly doubt I will ever be asked to golf by Dean Blundell anytime soon.


Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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