Randy Hillier Was TOTALLY Castrated Yesterday! Let’s Review The Evidence/Bail Conditions With Lawyer @CarymaRules!

Mar 29, 2022

Prosecutors successfully argued for several conditions during Randy Hillier’s bail hearing after being charged with a bunch of VERY serious shit stemming from his involvement in the illegal protest and attempted insurrection of the Canadian government.

Old Randers is in DEEEEEEEP shit but was nice to see him play sedition off like a ‘big hug’.  Fucken reject.

CITY: Randy Hillier, an independent member of Ontario’s legislature, has been released with several conditions after he surrendered to Ottawa police Monday.

He faces nine charges related to his involvement in the protest that seized the core of the national capital last month.

The Crown consented to the Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston member’s release with $35,000 bond after he made an appearance in court by telephone Monday afternoon.

Justice of the Peace Louise Logue released him with several conditions, including a prohibition from posting on social media about the so-called freedom convoy protest, COVID-19 mask or vaccine mandates, or the anti-vaccine cause. 

Hillier arrived at police headquarters early in the morning and told reporters he was advised by police on Sunday that charges had been laid and he understood they were related to the occupation of downtown Ottawa.

“Differing and dissenting views are now apparently criminal, so that is a disturbing trend,” the 64-year-old said before heading into the police station.

The nine charges include two counts of obstructing or resisting a public officer, one count of assaulting a peace or public officer and three counts of counselling an uncommitted indictable office, two of which are considered mischief.

Before his arrest, Hillier said he has had “thousands of interactions” with people and has no idea what led to the charge of assaulting a peace or public officer.

“I only ever greeted people with love and affection, an embrace and handshakes, so unless handshakes and warm embraces are now considered assault, I have no idea,” he said. 

“I have no idea.”  LOL.

I love this job for 2 reasons.

1) Weaponizing contrary evidence against assholes gives me a huge content boner

2) I get to work with people who are WAY smarter than me.

Both come together today with my friend/gonzo journalist/lawyer Caryma S’ad offering exhibits A through F of Randy’s COMPLETE AND TOTAL GUILT in terms of what he’s been charged with.

What a fucking moron.

“I have no idea”

He knows.

His Lawyer, David Anber knows.  35 million Canadians know.  Every single redneck freedom dick who supports theocracy knows.

What do they know?  Deeeeeeep down, they know they are FUCKED and the anxiety/negative life disruption for some of these hillbillies is going to fucking RUIN them.

Randy had to fork over 35 k he probably planned on using to retire just to get out of jail yesterday.  He probably had to fork over another $25-50k for his Lawyers retainer and will need another 150-250k to defend himself in criminal court.

These charges are extremely serious because he committed criminal acts and it’s shit-eating szn, kids.  Actions have actual consequences and I say we enjoy them. Together.  As a group.

Let’s unify around Randy’s no good, terrible two years and subsequent personal nightmare.

I take great pride in knowing we helped put randy in the BOO Box.  The least we could do is process it, in all its schadenfreude, together.




Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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