Rebel News Under Fire: Islamophobic Truck Sparks Outrage in Toronto as Questions Of Foreign Funding Swirl

Jun 21, 2024

Rebel News, a far-right media outlet founded by Ezra Levant, is again at the center of a significant controversy. This time, the issue revolves around a mobile advertising truck displaying Islamophobic messages in Toronto. The incident has sparked outrage among community leaders, activists, and the general public, leading to an investigation by the Toronto Police Service’s Hate Crimes Unit.

But, if you know ANYTHING about Ezra Levant’s “Rebel News,” you know they are a melting pot for foreign interference in Canada with MORE than questionable financial practices, according to the NYT, Vice, and anyone with a fucking brain.

He takes great pride in making sure we know he’s “anti-Muslim.” I’m anti-all religions, and I take great pride in making sure you know that, too. He hates one religion. I hate them all. However, this wasn’t about mocking the Muslim Faith. It was a full-throated racialized attack on all Muslims, painting them with a terrorist brush at a time when evangelical and Christian terrorists like him, Putin, and other Neo-Con-nected fascists foment racialized hate behind the veil of freedom of speech/freedom of THEIR religion, daily.

The Islamophobia Truck Incident Is A GREAT Example of their “Foreign Interference” platform.

The cube van registered to Rebel News was seen driving around Toronto, displaying digital images and messages that many have condemned as Islamophobic. The truck’s screens showed a series of provocative questions such as “Is this Lebanon? Is this Yemen? Is this Syria? Is this Iraq?” followed by images of Muslims praying and protesting in Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto. The messages concluded with “No. This is Canada. Wake up Canada. You are under siege” in striking blue lettering against a white background. The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and other advocacy groups quickly denounced the truck’s messaging as racist and dangerous. Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia, expressed deep concern, stating that such messages could incite further hate crimes against the Muslim community.

Financial Ties to Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, a well-known far-right extremist and founder of the English Defence League, has had financial ties to Rebel News. Rebel News hired Robinson as a British correspondent in 2017, a move that drew significant criticism due to his history of anti-Islamic rhetoric and violent confrontations. Robinson’s financial involvement with Rebel News extends beyond his role as a correspondent. The Middle East Forum, a right-wing American research institute, financed Robinson for three years, using funds from a tech billionaire and Trump donor. This financial backing helped Robinson amplify his anti-Islamic message, which aligns with the content displayed on the controversial truck in Toronto.

Allegations of Financial Improprieties

Rebel News has faced multiple allegations of financial misconduct. Former contributors have accused the organization of dishonestly soliciting donations for already funded projects and concealing how the money was spent. Caolan Robertson, a former British contributor, claimed he was fired for “knowing too much” about Rebel News’s finances. He played audio of Levant offering him “hush money” to keep quiet about these “issues.”  That’s Ezra’s only impetus. To fleece dumb fucks with money he gets from other dumb fucks to convince dumb fucks they need to give the dumb fucks at Rebel all their money. If Ezra does his “master’s” (he has several) bidding and divides Canada on behalf of whoever pays him, he presents it as an affront to his civil liberties. That’s his business plan, by the way.

1. Caolan Robertson’s allegations (2017):
– Caolan Robertson, a former UK correspondent for Rebel Media, made several allegations about financial impropriety at the organization[3][4].
– Robertson claimed that Rebel Media was raising excessive amounts of money from donors while already having sufficient funds from subscribers and wealthy anonymous backers[4].
– He alleged that hosts continually pressed viewers for extra donations despite adequate funding[4].
– Robertson released a video essay detailing his claims and shared audio that allegedly captured Levant offering “hush money” for Robertson’s silence[4].

2. Crowdfunding concerns:
– Robertson accused Rebel Media of suppressing a story that allegedly exposed electoral fraud by UKIP (UK Independence Party)[4].
– He suggested this was done to cultivate former UKIP leader Nigel Farage as a potential contributor[4].
– There were allegations of lack of transparency regarding using crowdfunded money[3][4].

3. Ezra Levant’s response:
– Levant denied Robertson’s accusations, claiming he was blackmailed (LOL) by Robertson and former producer George Llewelyn-John[4], which is rich considering Ezra offered Robertson 20k to STFU in a leaked tape
– He stated that Robertson and Llewelyn-John had been fired for poor work quality and were making escalating demands for money[4].
– Levant threatened legal action against Robertson to disprove the allegations[4].

4. Lack of financial transparency:
– Critics have raised concerns about the lack of transparency in Rebel Media’s finances[3][4].
– There have been calls for The Rebel to open its books and clarify its funding sources and use of donations[3].

5. Donor mailing list:
– Levant has been noted to have a valuable donor mailing list curated since the 1990s, described as a “catalog of core Canadian conservatives” that can be relied upon to fund new campaigns[2].

6. Fundraising tactics:
– Jason Markusoff, a journalist, commented on Rebel Media’s fundraising model, suggesting Levant creates a sense of urgency among supporters, convincing them they can’t get the content they want elsewhere[3].
– Markusoff noted that Levant portrays Rebel Media as under constant threat of being shut down, which motivates supporters to donate[3].

It’s important to note that while these allegations and concerns have been reported, many remain unproven. Ezra Levant has denied wrongdoing and threatened legal action against some accusers. The full extent of any financial impropriety, if any, remains unclear without a formal investigation or legal proceedings.

It’s also important to note that Ezra has about a dozen lawsuits running at any point in time to prevent people like Caolan or myself from talking about him honestly. That’s why we linked sources for this story. Ezra is the definition of grift and little dick energy—the poor man’s Steve Bannon. 

Police Investigation Into Rebel’s Ongoing Hate Speech.

The Toronto Police Service’s Hate Crimes Unit is actively investigating the incident. Community leaders and activists have called for swift action to address the hateful messaging. HOWEVER, don’t expect any charges. Doug Ford runs TPS. Doug Ford answers to a gentleman named Kory Tennyke. A gun-loving,’ Immigration hating, a political fixer who keeps Doug and his Friends prosperous and happy. Kory is VERY close with Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley, who helped kick start their dollar store Breitbart careers as fashy journalists who get paid to carry water for Conservative elite cabal members. Kory Tenneyke is the NEO-CON Enderman of the intersection of hate-fueled identity Politics/Journalism in Canada. He started the “Sun TV channel, which lasted 5 minutes, then helped Ezra and Brian Lilley put a crack team of fascist and, in some cases, racist dog-whistling assholes together at Rebel News along with Proud Boy/White Supremacist(s) Gavin McInnes, Faith Goldy, and Canada Proud’s Jeff Ballingall.  Kory remains the nexus of these relationships while running Pierre Poilievre’s campaign with his friends at Post Media. The dude is good at the dark arts and gets paid MILLIONS. If he’s not the most in-demand purveyor of fascist identity politics, he’s one of them.

Seeing some of these names in the unredacted BOMBSHELL NSICOP report wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve spoken to numerous former colleagues of Mr. Tennyke, and the stories they’ve shared about provable private conversations with him and the network he coordinates are Steve Bannonesque minus facial warts. All that to say, Kory needs to pick up the phone, Call TPS, and this whole matter goes away. Before that, Kory’s interests will be the recipient of Magical Op-Eds in Post Media outlets, on Rebel, etc., talking down the hate messaging on that cube van as “freedom of speech.” His Boys at the Sun (Brian Lilley and Lorrie Goldstein will anonymously lick his nuts (figuratively) if they have to). That’s what they get paid for. To torque on behalf of their masters.

And there’s no one better at this than Ezra.

The cube van registered to Rebel News was seen driving around Toronto, displaying digital images and messages that may have been condemned as Islamophobic. The truck’s screens showed a series of provocative questions such as “Is this Lebanon? Is this Yemen? Is this Syria? Is this Iraq?” followed by images of Muslims praying and protesting in Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto. The messages concluded with “No. This is Canada. Wake up Canada. You are under siege” in striking blue lettering against a white background.

A) Ezra can’t buy this kind of advertising, and B) he turned it into a censorship fundraiser. EVERY thing they do turns into a victim-driven fundraiser, by the way. It’s their business plan. Rebel News is part of FOX/Breitbart/And Maga- fundraising fear porn.

Financial Ties to Foreign Cash and Tommy Robinson? AAAAHHHYUP.

Tommy Robinson, a well-known far-right extremist and founder of the English Defence League, has had financial ties to Rebel News. Rebel News hired Robinson as a British correspondent in 2017, a move that drew significant criticism due to his history of anti-Islamic rhetoric and violent confrontations. Robinson’s financial involvement with Rebel News extends beyond his role as a correspondent. The Middle East Forum, a right-wing American research institute, financed Robinson for three years, using funds from a tech billionaire and Trump donor. This financial backing helped Robinson amplify his anti-Islamic message, which aligns with the content displayed on the controversial truck in Toronto.

Rebel Makes A LOT of Money From A Lot of Different Sources From A Bunch Of Different Countries.

Rebel News has faced multiple allegations of financial misconduct. Former contributors have accused the organization of dishonestly soliciting donations for already funded projects and concealing how the money was spent. Caolan Robertson, a former British contributor, claimed he was fired for “knowing too much” about Rebel News’s finances. He played audio of Levant offering him “hush money” to keep quiet about these issues. The Video has been removed (by YouTube by request from “a third party”), but he spent some time explaining how Ezra focuses on creating hateful content to drive revenue badly. The Islamaphobia bus is a prototypical example of anger funding that lines Ezra’s pockets.

In a perfect world, someone leaks Ezra’s browser history, followed by a series of confessions from former employees who all know what Caolan and the rest of us know. Ezra Levant’s Rebel News is nothing more than a troll farm and turnstile for foreign and domestic idealogues with the same vested interest in profting off of the hate outrage porn they create. They are not news. Nothing they print or create exists to inform anyone. They are a third-party agency for hateful Christian Nationalists and other bullshit Abrahamic elites from around the world meant to bleed hillbillies in Canada and North America dry.

And so far, it’s working.

Maybe the CRA should do an audit as part of their National Security crackdown. It makes sense.





Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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