So Caryma Represented Jeremy Mackenzie At The Emergency Act Hearing And Alot Of Extremists Have Questions

Jan 1, 1970

Thursday night, Caryma sent me a text,

“You you have a minute?”

We send “Do you have a minute?” texts almost daily. Sometimes she’s getting arrested by Doug Ford; sometimes, she’s in the middle of a good old-fashioned protest and needs to tell me about Cletus and some fake ANTIFA hero getting in a slap fight in Chinatown.

This time she called to tell me she was asked to join Lawyer Sharif Foda to help him represent Jeremy Mackenzie.


Jeremy and his crew have threatened me numerous times. I’m happy to produce those emails anytime. I don’t eel like getting involved when the dildo of Justice aJusticeat Jermy’s doors6ep, but they exist.

He’s apologized privately. I still don’t give a shit and was/am looking forward to the natural consequences of being an insufferable asshole for the last three years.

Caryma said something in our call yesterday after I asked her WHY she agreed to help represent Mackenzie in the EA hearing that sort of changed the way I think about “justice.”

“It’s not appropriate to only support the people we align with when if we say we just want the truth and real justice derived from facts.”

What is the truth?

I don’t know.

But here’s what I know/think:

  • Jeremy Mackenzie is an accelerationist and has acted like an abusive asshole over the past two years.
  • Jeremy was abusing alcohol and had for years.
  • Jeremy’s hated-fueled rants inspired stochastic abuse by his like-minded followers.
  • Every receipt claiming Jeremy is a  nazi-loving racist comes from one source – The Canadian Anti-Hate Network and someone named “Elizabeth Simons,” who doesn’t seem to exist.
  • The labeling of Jeremy and Diagolon as an IMVE came from one source,” “Elizabeth Simons,” cosigned by the RCMP and CSIS has been widely shared by
  • Jeremy has been in jail without bail for almost a month based on information that’s under a pub ban. Based on intel from what appears to be a fake person

Yesterday, Jeremy was on the stand for two hours answering questions directed at him by four separate lawyers from the Saskatoon Remand Centre.

I watched the entire two hours (Starting around 4:30 – 630)

I’m not going to share my takeaway’s with you because I don’t want to taint your opinion either way, but watch it.

Public Order Emergency Commission Testimony – Day 17 Nov 4th

And don’t be surprised by Mackenzie’s appearance.

I’ll b  honest:

I wanted Jeremy to fail yesterday. I want him to be guilty f being the asshole we’ve been told he is.  I don’t want a guy who can’t control himself and levels rape threats delivering content to anyone.

But, Maybe,  UST, maybe, Caryma knows something we don’t. Maybe Sherif Foda knows something we don’t. Justice includes wholesale Justice for everyone involved in driving di ision and hJusticen this country. Maybe that Justice comes from the unmitigated truth about all the players, not just the idiots who won’t stop live-streaming their idiocy.

Maybe we’ll find out who this “Elizabeth Simons” is. I’d think as a government-funded organization, that would be important.

Do you Want Unbiased Reporting?

After Caryma was spotted at the inquiry, I started to get a TON of hate mail. I was out protesting with 55k CUPE workers yesterday and spent the better part of the day talking to angry and curious people in and out of the network.

“What is Caryma doing?” seemed the most common q.

“Whatever the fuck she wants,” I said to ALMOST everyone.

I don’t support Jeremy, but I support Caryma 100 percent of the time, every time.

She’s measured, stable, intelligent, and reflective and values truth and Justice above culture wars and rhetoric. If something here compels her to Join Sherif Foda, I trust her judgment IMPLICITLY and will support her effort to seek the truth regardless of the players.

Also, she’s a fucking lawyer for everyone, not just those she likes or doesn’t. She will not turn down a job because we don’t like Jermy Mackenzie. Sorry, that’s not how real human beings work. Especially those interested in actual truth more than your version of it.

What happens on Twitter isn’t real life. Fuck. Seeing that parade of convoy hillbillies incompetently selling each other out, crying, and purjuring themselves this week showed us that.

Suppose the EA hearing revealed some uncomfortable truths about the OPS and RCMP having severe extremist issues. Shouldn’t we be interested in uncovering the truth about everyone’s allegations of law enforcement and their fugazi relationships with government-funded organizations they use to label people racist and extremist? Shouldn’t we be looking into EVERYONE’S allegations, including allegations from assholes we don’t like?  Don’t they deserve the same judicial opportunity you deserve?

Usually, I’d say no, but I may have been wrong.

“Does Jeremy understand he’s being represented by two brown people, and is that lost on him?” I asked Caryma last night.

She told me why SHE identified with Jeremy.  As a POC and immigrant, she knows what it’s like to be “thrown away” or marginalized. To her, this is more about fairness being applied across the board because she’s felt disposable too. It’s not about color, culture, or ideologies. It’s about a human being and the truth.

Maybe we should all be a little more like Caryma.


*Caryma will be on the show Monday to discuss this. Save your meatheaded disagreements for that.

For the last two years, I’ve been telling you how little we give a SHIT about extremes on either end of the spectrum. Just who fucked what up and why.

No matter how much we tweet, we have no control over any legal outcome for anyone.

Jeremy has a shitty year ahead of him. If he’s serious about getting his shit together, not drinking, getting some serious therapy, and dealing with life on life’s terms to TRULY be happy, he’ll get what he deserves.

If that was a show and he’s not interested in being happy, he won’t, and he’ll get what he deserves.

Your desired narrative or outcome doesn’t matter.  Mine either.

I trust Caryma. I don’t trust the government, the convoy, Jeremy Mackenzie, or any government agency.  I don’t trust anyone, but I do trust her.

Maybe some of you brain-dead punters who didn’t graduate at the top of your legal class should just shut the fuck up and watch.

Everyone of these anonymous accounts are run by cowards using assumed names.

That’s not Bravery. This is.

Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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