Sports Guy Could Be The Best “Might Be Wasted” Tweeter Ever.

Jul 17, 2017

You should never tweet when you’ve been drinking.  It’s a truth serum you can’t get away from especially when you have an ax to grind.  We’ve all done it and its a hazard of tweeting.   This stuff is gold though.

Gabriel Morency is actually a pretty talented sports guy that works at a fantasy sports TV station in Canada.

If he wasn’t wasted he tweets like a 13-year-old girl, who hates her parents.  Admissions to liking someone named “Jatet Leto” and EMO music, Cryptic tweets about being with him or against him and something about “8-hour shoes for 83 cents.”

Fucked if I know I just respect the shit out of the fact he didn’t erase any of it.  That’s what most people would do.










“Cypess?”   Big Fame?   Whatever man.  Party your ass off and keep tweeting.


*Just talked to Dean and here’s what he said

“This cat tried to fight me about eight years ago and rumors are was allegedly fired for drinking on the job according to some but in no way can confirm.  I doubt it because he’s pure entertainment and actually really good at what he does.  Prolly shouldn’t tweet on his own time but c’mon Billy, this is what we need more of in the world because we all act like morons on twitter after hours.  And dont say he was drunk because you dont know that.


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