Tampax Wants To Be Woke So They’re Targeting Men With Tampon Ads And It’s Not Going Well

Oct 25, 2020

Go woke, go broke. That’s been in the lexicon for a couple of years now, designed to help explain the corporatization of virtue-signaling, intended to boost profits, but often have the opposite effect.

Tampax became the latest company to attempt to trade their new, virtuous image for a larger profit share in the feminine hygiene industry. They did this by implying that basically anyone can bleed from their vaginas, all in an effort to appear inclusive.

The feminine hygiene company followed in the footsteps of another Proctor and Gamble company, Gillette, who last year lost billions after shaming their main consumer group after releasing their now-infamous Toxic Masculinity ad. Tampax seems so confident that the public also believes male-bodied individuals can bleed from their non-existent uteruses that they also gambled their main consumer group – women. Or, as the gender police would want me to say, menstruators, or people who bleed once a month, or something.

Memo to everyone; gender theory is not accepted science, and the majority of folks, while sympathetic towards transgender individuals, remain confident that it is possible to support trans rights without having to completely redefine what a woman really is.

This is why JK Rowling has been vilified (for those familiar with the writer’s apparent downfall from grace). Well, she has actually never been more popular, her latest novel selling more copies than her publisher had originally anticipated. If you had listened to her vociferous critics you would have thought the most successful female writer in history would have been canceled due to her unadulterated hatred towards trans people.


And don’t let the mainstream media’s position on trans issues confuse you; the vast majority of the public still believe in common sense concepts such as biological men should not play women’s sports, or be allowed in women’s prisons or rape crisis centers, or that just declaring yourself female does not actually make you female, or the benefactor of centuries of work by feminists who today fight for the right to not be called TERFs simply for believing women are different from transwomen. Most of us believe in something far more powerful; transgendered people are equal under the law and should be treated with the utmost respect, but they remain quite different, especially physically, which is why a separate yet equal category makes the most sense.

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