TBT: A Brief History of Ontario/Canada Proud

Jason Pugh Jul 13, 2023

Well, today, Caryma S’ad publicly served Canada Proud via Twitter.

See here:

She tried to serve them the old-fashioned way by having the legal documents hand-delivered, but that proved impossible.

So Caryma had to get “an order for substitute service” to allow her to use Instagram Direct Message or to post publicly on Twitter:

I’m not making a post about Caryma’s case. (I can’t wait to see how that all pans out.)

I’d like to discuss the address where Canada Proud is registered—the empty floor at 36 King St. E, 4th floor, Toronto, Ontario.

You see, back in 2018, I got to poking around on the internet to find out more about Ontario Proud. Ontario Proud, the predecessor to Canada Proud, was also registered at 36 King St. E, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario.

Federal Corporation Information – 1010260-1

Nothing strange about that.

However, I realized that Andrew Scheer’s campaign manager, Hamish Marshall, had his consulting firm, One Persuades, registered where? At 36 King St. E, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario.

So I tweeted this:

Not long afterwards, I noticed that One Persuades had changed their address, so I went to the Wayback Machine to get this:

One Persuades Toronto

Before starting Ontario Proud Jeff Ballingall previously worked for Ezra Levant at the defunct Sun News Network.

So Hamish was Andrew Scheer’s campaign manager whose consulting firm, One Persuades, was registered at the same address as Jeff Ballingall’s Ontario Proud.

Along with founding One Persuades, Marshall was a director of and still working for Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media.

Which lead to this:

In that tweet, I mention Terrance Oakey.

Why? Terrance Oakey was the former head of Merit Canada. Oakey left Merit to join Marshall over at One Persuades.

As Mike Crawly wrote about here, Merit Ontario gave Ontario Proud $50,000:

Corporations fuelled Ontario Proud’s pro-PC election spending

“Merit Ontario, representing non-union construction companies, also gave Ontario Proud $50,000. The group was one of the biggest donors to the PCs before corporate donations were banned. Previously known as Merit Open Shop Contractors Association, the group and its national affiliate gave $90,000 to the PC party and candidates from 2014 to 2016.”

Ballingall had previously stated ““Thanks to the generosity of our over 1300 donors, we were able to run a campaign that drove the narrative of the election.”

Yeah. Sure. But most of the money donated to the registered non-profit Ontario Proud came from big donors.

So Oakey left Merit to join One Persuades. Merit gave Ontario Proud $50,000. THEN Ontario Proud hired One Persuades to do some advertising for a little over $30,000.

I have a Twitter thread about that here:

Apparently, back then, Conservatives didn’t want to be seen working directly with Ontario/Canada Proud’s Jeff Ballingall.

Then, starting with O’Toole, they just said screw it.

Rebel, Ontario/Canada Proud and the Conservative Party of Canada. One big happy family! (Oh, and Proud Boys)

Of course, back in 2019, Ballingall denied having any connection to the Conservative Party of Canada while having softballs lobbed at him by Don Martin on CTV:

Hope you all enjoyed that little walk down memory lane!

Jason Pugh

Jason Pugh

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