Extremley Hot Texas Teacher Has Sex With High School Student She Met At Church

Dec 13, 2017

Let’s all talk about Nicole Marie-Faires Andrews, folks, a middle school teacher who was arrested for, and get this, hooking up with a minor she met while volunteering at a church.

The 31-year-old, who worked at Cedar Park Middle School until she resigned last month, had sex with the male high school student she met at the Church at Canyon Creek. Authorities discovered this after an investigation kicked off in October. Andrews was a volunteer youth administrator at the church, but it’s pretty clear that she wasn’t there to teach young folks about the lord.

Texas Teacher Has Sex With High School Student She Met At Church

In a letter sent home to parents and students of Cedar Park Middle School, Principal Sandra Stewart said they were notified of Andrews’ possible relationship with a high school student in late October and police was reached out too soon after. The teen was not a student at the school Andrews taught at.

Andrews has now been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child and an improper relationship between an educator and student. No word yet if any sex occurred in the house of God.

h/t NY Post


Maybe the stress of hiding a relationship with a student caused her breakout in the mugshot picture, but her skin has taken a beating.

Maybe that was the student’s issue.

“Hey teach, you’re great, and big ups for the car blowjobs but your skin is a primary trigger for me.  I have my own issues and mom is taking me to mall to get some Proactive Lotion today after glee club.  Anyway, I just don’t want kids with our acne combo.”

Hot stuff though.  Kid has great taste.




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