The 10 Greatest Celebrity Mugshots Of All Time

Joe Williamson Aug 25, 2023

Lists and hyperbole are click bait.

Case in point, here you are.

Now, allow me to introduce the 10 GREATEST CELEBRITY MUGSHOTS OF ALL TIME!

10. Justin Bieber

Justin was arrested for being a spoiled brat and that smile says it all. Drag racing, under the influence, and resisting arrest. This was during a period of his life when many people were dunking on him. I’m glad he appears to have turned it around because the man can put out a pop hit when he feels so inclined.

9. Nick Nolte

At the time of his arrest, this picture was everywhere. He looked like a hot mess after being busted for DUI and drug charges. This became the definition of a “bad mug shot” until 2004 came around and James Brown said, “hold my beer, I need to beat my wife”.

8. James Brown

Between the crazy hair, disheveled face, and insanely colorful top the only difference between James and Nick is their skin color but James is the godfather of soul so he gets the tiebreaker.

7. Al Pacino

Between looking like an absolute badass and the charge being carrying a loaded concealed weapon it’s easy to see why this one makes the list. He looks like one of the characters he would become synonymous with portraying.

6. Mick Jagger

Looking dapper as all hell (albeit a little scared) Mick was arrested for drug possession. The year was 1967 and amphetamines were everywhere! He served no time.

5. David Bowie

Of course David Bowie’s mugshot looks like this! It looks like it could have been used as an album cover for the late legend. He got busted for some weed.

4. Frank Sinatra

You could make the case that this should be #1 strictly because of how amazing Frank looks. This very real mugshot looks like it was taken in a movie studio with hair and make-up. He was arrested in 1938 for promising to marry a woman if she had sex with him…my how the times have changed…

3. Bill Gates

All of the tough guys in the world AND Bill Gates get a mugshot. He got popped for speeding and running a stop sign. It’s a good thing he didn’t serve time because I don’t think he would have faired too well.

2. Cher

Cher goes #2 because I had no idea this existed until about an hour ago and she was only 13 at the time! She stole a friends car. I’m sure she was going to return it washed and with a full tank of gas.

1. Donald Trump

Trump may not be the only reason why the US and Canada have political divisions like we haven’t seen since the time of civil war but he certainly helped popularize a lot of really bad movements. His arrest and mugshot give hope to millions that all is not lost and that the inmates are not running the asylum.


Joe Williamson

Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.

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